Bihar Board 12th Result 2023: Bihar Board 12th Result can also be checked by SMS through ATM

Bihar Board 12th Result 2023: Bihar Board 12th Result can also be checked by SMS through ATM

New Delhi:

Bihar Board 12th Result 2023: Bihar Board Class 12th Exam Result is about to be released. As per the latest updates, the evaluation of answer sheets of Bihar Board Class 12th exam has been completed on Tuesday, March 14 and the board can announce the result any time. If the news is to be believed then Bihar School Education Board can release the result of Intermediate Annual Examination between March 18 and March 20. Class 12th result will be released on the official website of Bihar Board at Which students can check using their roll number.

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Students can also check Bihar Board Result 2023 through SMS. As soon as the result will be released by the board. Students have to type BIHAR 12 ROLL-NUMBER in the message box. After that it will bold to 56263. Immediately after doing this, the result will be sent through SMS.

The BSEB Inter Exam started from 1st February till 14th February. This exam was conducted in two shifts. The Bihar Board had also released the BSEB Class 12 answer key on March 3, on which students could raise objections till March 6.

This year, around 13.18 lakh students have appeared for the Bihar Board Inter final examination in Science, Arts and Commerce streams. The examination was started in more than one thousand examinations of the state.

If you look at the last year, the Bihar Board had released the results of the board by issuing a press conference. In the year 2022, the BSEB Inter results were declared on 16 March. The result and inter exam toppers were announced by the board officials in the press conference itself. In such a situation, it is expected that this year also Bihar Board will do the same.