Bihar: The Chief Minister reacted to the statements of Upendra Kushwaha, said- what is the desire, it will be known only after talking

Patna :

Controversy continues in the ruling party Janata Dal United in Bihar. Upendra Kushwaha, chairman of the party’s councilor board, is angry with the party. Bihar’s unemployed Kumar once again gave a statement on Tuesday regarding the displeasure of former Union Minister Upendra Kushwaha. He said that everyone has their own wish. He hasn’t spoken to me. He left the party several times and came back. Do whatever they want. He is getting a lot of respect in Jadu.

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It is known that on Saturday, CM Nivartaman Kumar gave a statement regarding Upendra Kushwaha’s alleged contact with BJP. After which Upendra Kushwaha gave his response on those statements of the outgoing CM. He had told Paparazzi every day that look, I want to make it very clear to you that as of today, the bigger the leader in the party, the more he is in contact with the BJP.

Upendra Kushwaha further said that meeting any leader means that we are in touch with BJP. And the sense in which contact is being talked about is wrong. Such a big leader in our party is in more contact with the BJP leaders. A picture with Upendra Kushwaha that made him the talk of the town. Personal relations can be with anyone. That too when meeting a person in the hospital, it is appropriate to interpret his politics.

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