Bipin Rawat Helicopter Crash: Sulur Base says two helicopters were sent but Madras Regimental Center denied. India News – Times of India

New Delhi: There have been conflicting reports as to whether Indian Air Force The Mi-17 V5 carrying CDS General Bipin Rawat scouted the route for the helipad before taking off from Sulur airport. wellington crashed on Wednesday nanjappachatiramOf the 14 people on board, 13 died.

According to an official attached to the Sulur airport, two small IAF choppers were sent to check the route as per protocol to assess the weather conditions in the Nilgiris. “We are not sure whether the helicopter landed at the Wellington helipad or returned without landing,” the official said on condition of anonymity.

However, a senior official from the Madras Regimental Center in Wellington said, “There was no test actually by small helicopters as the Mi-17 V5 is a reliable aircraft.”
An officer of the Defense Services Staff College, where General Rawat Was led to give a lecture, said, “Not authorized to comment on this.”
Eyewitnesses to Nanjappachatiram, where the helicopter crashed, said they had never seen or heard of another chopper during the day.

s Ramesh Kumar, a retired IAF officer said that usually during the visit of the President or the PM, four helicopters fly along with the main chopper. But he was not able to confirm with IAF officials whether any helicopters were operated before the Mi-17 V5 took off for Wellington.

Ramesh Kumar said, “The Mi-17 V5 was piloted by a highly experienced pilot. The helicopter was technologically advanced, and I suspect human error caused the accident.” Clouds/fog may be thicker than normal. Under such circumstances, the pilot has to make a decision in a fraction of a second. The decision may be wrong. ,

Kumar said the black box, which has been recovered, would probably explain what happened in the moments of the accident.

aviation safety consultant Mohan Ranganathan Said, “I have seen last minute footage of the helicopter (this footage was shot by a tourist was widely circulated). It was only foggy weather and the helicopter was flying very low. I suspect that the accident happened. The main reason was the weather conditions.”

He said that the IAF can conduct a recce for the President, Vice President and Prime Minister, but it is unlikely for a serving officer.

Video of the helicopter carrying General Bipin Rawat moments before it crashed

Video of the helicopter carrying General Bipin Rawat moments before it crashed
