BJP accuses AAP of paying NYT to bring Education Minister Manish Sisodia into limelight. India News – Times of India

New Delhi: BJP On Friday, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) was accused of giving money new York Times To present your education minister Manish Sisodia On its front page, the Arvind Kejriwal-led party termed it “totally ridiculous and stupid”.

Addressing the media, BJP leader Parvesh Verma grabbed the New York Times and Khaleej Times and said: “This is a picture of both the newspapers. There is a reporter in both the newspapers, the article is the same, word for word, the same six pictures are in both. Does this ever happen?”
The AAP counterattacked, saying the Khaleej Times article credits The New York Times and rubbished the claims of “paid news”.
“I challenge them, use whatever money you have, whatever power you have. You try and get an article published in the New York Times if you think it’s possible.” Times, it is written at the bottom of the article – Courtesy The New York Times.”

Another AAP leader Raghav Chadha called this claim ridiculous. “No news of any BJP leader was ever published there. BJP calls itself the largest party in the world. It is the richest political party. If anyone can afford them, they should appear on the front page of the New York Times daily.
NYT Obvious
Refuting the allegations of the advertisement by the BJP, the US newspaper told a media group that the article was the result of independent and unbiased “on-the-ground reporting”. “The articles on the front page of the International Edition of the New York Times are news coverage, not advertising or paid for in any way,” it said.
“Our reporting on efforts to reform Delhi’s education system is based on unbiased, on-the-ground reporting, and education is an issue that The New York Times has covered for many years. Journalism from The New York Times Always is free, is free. Political or advertiser influence. Other news outlets regularly license and republish our coverage,” the newspaper told the media group.
CBI raids after international appreciation: Kejriwal
Earlier in the day, Kejriwal accused the Center of targeting Sisodia as he could not get international acclaim for an AAP minister. “In a way, Sisodia has been declared the best education minister in the world. The biggest newspaper wrote about Delhi’s education revolution and put up Sisodia’s picture,” Kejriwal said. cause covid,
“A day later, the CBI reached his house. There will be many obstacles, but our work will not stop. CBI has orders from above to target us. Let it do its job, he said.
slip of tongue
The controversy started when Kejriwal praised Sisodia’s appearance in the NYT, saying: “It is very difficult to publish a news story in the New York Times which is the largest newspaper in the most powerful country in the world.”
He hastened to clarify: “It is very difficult to have a story published in the New York Times. The presidents, prime ministers of every country in the world are desperate for their names and photos to appear on the front page of the NYT.”
To hold on to this so-called slip of the tongue, Federation Minister Meenakshi Lekhi tweeted, “Thor’s grandmother in the straw”
BJP MP from North East Delhi Manoj Tiwari also cited the story and alleged that AAP was wasting public money on publicity. “Caught here too. The New York Times and Khaleej Times One word from the same word… Same author too. shameless you Wasting the money of the people of Delhi to publish his pictures by paying,” Tiwari tweeted in Hindi.
West Delhi BJP MP Parvesh Verma claimed that the story contained a picture of a private school and not a school run by the Delhi government.
(with inputs from agencies)