BJP leaders in Kerala organize breakfast party in support of Christian community

Javadekar nominated shawls to two priests from the influential Christian community and had refreshments with them.


In Kerala, continuous efforts are going on by the Bharatiya Janata Party to bring the Christian alliance with them. ‘Sneha Yatra’ was organized by the party in Christian homes on the day of Easter. On the same day on Saturday, on the occasion of Vishu festival, BJP leaders organized a breakfast party for their Christian reservation. It was held at the party’s district president VV Rajesh’s house in Thiruvananthapuram. In which former Union Minister and Kerala Prakash Javadekar of the party also participated.

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Javadekar took charge

On this occasion, Javadekar nominated two priests of the Christian community as Shaoli and took refreshments with them. Sources said that even in the oldest network of BJP’s local leadership, such refreshments were organized. The move is being seen as an attempt to retain its hold as part of an effort to provide relief to Christians ahead of the 2024 general elections.

Javadekar later said that India is a land of diversity and the country’s mantra is “live and give”. He said, “On earth, it is one of the few countries where all peoples and religions live and celebrate together. Today is Vishu that’s why we all are here.

Even on the occasion of Easter, programs were being done towards BJP.

Earlier, senior leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) reached the residence of various influential bishops in Kerala on Sunday as Easter. His move is being seen as an initiative to reach out to the Christian community as part of his strategy to woo minority communities ahead of the 2024 general elections. At the same time, literacy in Kerala The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) and the main opposition Congress have termed the visit of BJP leaders to the bishop’s residence as a “joke” and said it reflects the BJP’s “double demands”.

Programs are being organized after PM Modi’s advice

PM Modi, during the National Executive meeting in Secunderabad recently, had advised the party leaders and workers to organize Sneh Samvad especially in Kerala. Even after the victory in the three former states on March 2, PM Modi had said in the party meeting that we should focus on Kerala as well, because a BJP coalition government has been formed there too.

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