BJP National Executive: Strategy for 9 states, Lok Sabha 2024 polls top agenda

Image Source: PTI BJP National Executive meeting underway in Delhi

Briefing reporters about Bharatiya Janata Party chief JP Nadda’s address at the ongoing party’s national executive meeting in Delhi, party leader and former union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said the party president said preparations for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections In the current year was very important. , The two-day meeting of the party’s apex body began on Monday.

Make sure the party does not lose any of the 9 state elections in 2023: Nadda

BJP President JP Nadda underlined the importance of assembly elections to nine states due this year ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha polls and asked the party’s national executive to ensure that it does not lose in any state.

Focus on 72,000 booths

Prasad said, “The PM mandated that we should identify and strengthen weak booths and increase outreach. 72,000 booths were identified and today BJP president in his address said that 1.32 lakh booths have been reached “

The ruling party is undertaking several exercises to strengthen its organization to ensure that it returns to power at the Center for a third term in 2024.

In his closed-door address, Nadda lauded India’s progress under the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The party president said it has become the world’s fifth largest economy, the second largest manufacturer of mobile phones, the third largest in the auto sector, while the number of highways built every day has increased from 12 km to 37 km.

He said the country has also worked to empower the poor with several welfare schemes including free food grains.

Also read: Nadda in Aap Ki Adalat: BJP chief on Rahul Gandhi, Nitish and BTS of ‘Shinde episode in Maharashtra’

Gujarat’s victory was welcomed in the meeting

Nadda praised the party’s victory in the recent Gujarat assembly elections as “extraordinary and historic” and said that winning more than 150 seats in the 182-member assembly was a major achievement.

He said the party lost to the Congress in Himachal Pradesh, but the difference in votes between the two parties was less than one per cent.

Also Read: Eyeing 2024 Lok Sabha Elections, PM Modi’s mega roadshow in Delhi; Attended BJP National Executive meeting

move against the opposition

The political resolution, proposed at the BJP’s national executive, accused the opposition of running a negative campaign and using abusive language against the government, especially Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and asserted that the Supreme Court verdict exposed it. Law Minister Kiren Rijiju moved the resolution at the key meeting, a sign of his rising profile in the party due to leading the government’s position on legal and judicial issues, and was attended by Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya and Karnataka Minister Govind Karjol. supported it. Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman told reporters here.

While Rijiju is a tribal, Maurya is from the Other Backward Classes and Karjol is from the Scheduled Caste community, social groups the BJP has wooed with considerable electoral success over the years.

Sitharaman cited the opposition campaigning against the government on several issues, including Rafale, Pegasus, Central Vista project, demonetisation and EWS quota, and said the Supreme Court verdict in favor of the government had exposed it. Citing political resolve, he said baseless allegations were leveled against PM Modi, but the crushing legal response exposed the opposition. He said that PM Modi is seen as an honest leader who is working in the interest of the country and whose leadership is respected globally. He said that the image of India has also improved under his leadership. He said Modi’s statement during his telephonic conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin that this is not an era of war was echoed in the G20 declaration in Bali and his push for UN reform has been recognised.

PM Modi did mega road show

Excited BJP workers and supporters line the streets to welcome Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the road show of the party’s two-day national executive, which began in Delhi on Monday.

In an upbeat atmosphere with music and applause from the crowd, the roadshow started from Patel Chowk and continued till NDMC Convention Centre. People showered flowers on Modi and raised slogans in his support.

Huge cutouts of the prime minister were put up along the road, besides several posters highlighting various initiatives of the government and India’s chairmanship of the G20. Platforms were built at various places. Folk artistes from several states performed on some of them, while others played patriotic songs. BJP President JP Nadda received Modi at the venue of the party meeting, which began upon the Prime Minister’s arrival.

While Modi has often held roadshows, it is very rare that he does it before the party’s executive, which has now been held several times in the national capital.

BJP leaders noted that Modi had conducted a roadshow before the party’s national executive in Odisha, and said the exercise proved helpful in motivating cadres and supporters.

He said with the Lok Sabha elections due in the first half of next year, the encouraging roadshow would help energize the party’s Delhi unit after the Aam Aadmi Party’s debacle in the recent municipal polls.

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