BJP plans to induct new voters in 2024 elections as training camp ends in UP’s Chitrakoot

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has come up with an action plan to engage with new voters ahead of the 2024 elections as its three-day training camp in Uttar Pradesh’s Chitrakoot concluded on Monday.

UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath addressed the last session. All the cabinet ministers of the government along with the heads of various departments of the organization participated in the training classes.

These included those who had joined the party just before the last election and had got important roles. The gap between newcomers and veterans was bridged by explaining the Sangh-BJP ideas and travel struggle, management and methodology.

Read also: BJP gears up for 2024 elections, will organize 3-day training camp in Chitrakoot, UP from Friday

The Parikrama of Kamadgiri, prayers to Kamatanath and the journey from Mandakini’s Aarti to Ram Vithika during the training class enriched the symbols facilitating the route of the election. Efforts were also made by all the officials to give the message of unity. There was also discussion about strengthening the party.

During the last session, CM Yogi talked about the changing face of Uttar Pradesh through governance, collectivism and reciprocity.

He said, “Yesterday was ours, today is ours and future will be ours too. If people start appreciating our work, then understand that the government is going in the right direction. For better results, the government and the organization need to work together.” Is.

Organization Secretary Bansal said that the decision making process should be consultation based, not self-centred.

Read also: Uttar Pradesh: BJP’s focus on social media and governance in state training camp

“There can be agreement and disagreement, but everyone should have a sense of participation in the decision. It is also necessary for the stability of power.”

A ‘training booklet’ was given to the representatives of the government and the organisation.

The methodology section of the handbook mentions, “Do not view personal questions or allegations as an attack on the organization. This issue often clashes when the government-organisation is tested on the test of expectation and neglect.”

BJP is eyeing 2024 elections. Therefore, in more than half a dozen sessions, the policies of poor welfare, agriculture, foreign and defense of the Modi government were explained in detail. Deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya also put a picture of the future agenda and said that along with Yaduvanshis and Ravidasvanshis, Pasmanda Muslims will also be brought with BJP.

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