BJP wants to run the country on the basis of Manusmriti: Subhashini Ali

Communist Party of India (Marxist) Politburo member Subhashini Ali on Sunday said the Bharatiya Janata Party government wants to take India back to the times of caste-based society and run the country on the basis of “Manusmriti” instead of the Constitution.

She was addressing a gathering at her party’s public resistance meeting at Kamala Nehru Park here. The public meeting, which was originally scheduled to be held as part of party meetings across the country last month, was postponed due to unfavorable weather conditions.

Ms Ali said that the present regime has broken all records of poverty, inequality and exploitation and has made us worried about the future of our children. Referring to the initiative of the government “Freedom’s Nectar Festival” To celebrate the 75th anniversary of independence, Ms Ali said it was akin to “samudra manthan” (churning of the ocean), in which big corporates were capturing all profits and the poor were subjected to exploitation.

“Yet there was a ray of hope for the poor that the Constitution guarantees equality to all with at least some benefits, but the present regime wants to snatch everything from us. They even want to break the constitution and take us back to the days of caste based society. They want to implement Manusmriti,” Ms Ali, a former Lok Sabha MP, said.

In the context of Bilkis Bano rape case convicts releasedMs Ali said that if justice was given keeping caste and religion in mind, it would be difficult for the poor to survive.

Surendra Singh, CPI(M), Haryana, Secretary, said that the present regime seeks to establish a dictatorship and rule of corporates in the name of “Hindu Rashtra” and free India from political opposition. Talking to the opposition about possible prime ministerial faces, Mr. Malik said it is not about a “face”; People should be looking for people with the right “policies”. He said that all parties should forget their differences and fight together to save the country.

Vice President of Center of Indian Trade Unions, Haryana, Satveer Singh accused the BJP government of double attacking the people and causing loss of their livelihood by spreading communal hatred.