blocked nose? 9 Sinus Symptoms You Can’t Ignore

sinus infection: Sinusitis occurs when the tissue lining your sinuses becomes inflamed or swollen. Your face contains structures called sinuses that are normally filled with air. They can become irritated by bacterial infections, viral infections, and allergies, which can result in them closing and filling with fluid. Your face may feel tight and painful, your nose may be blocked as a result, and other symptoms may occur.

What are sinuses?

You have four paired cavities (spaces) in your head known as your sinuses that are connected by small tunnels. The mucus produced by the sinuses drains out through the nasal passages. This discharge helps maintain a healthy nose free of bacteria, allergens and other pathogens.

Dr Vikram Verma Jampana, Consultant Physician (Internal Medicine) recently shared the sinus signs and symptoms that people should not ignore on Instagram with the caption, “9 sinus symptoms you cannot ignore”.

Signs and Symptoms of Sinus

Common symptoms of sinus infection that you should not ignore are:

– stuffy or blocked nose

Yellow or green mucus coming down the back of your throat or nose

feeling of pressure or fullness in your face

– high body temperature or fever

– headache or headache

– loss of smell

Pain, pressure or heaviness in the ear

– feeling tired or exhausted

What causes sinus infection?

Sinusitis can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and allergies. The following are particular triggers of sinusitis:

– Common cold.

– influenza virus.

– Various bacteria, viruses and microorganisms.

– Both seasonal and nasal allergies.

preventive measures to follow

Here are some precautions you can take to avoid sinus:

– Washing your nose with saline (salt water).

Taking medication, getting allergy shots, and avoiding triggers (such as dust, pollen, or smoke) are all part of this.

– Using a steroid nasal spray when your doctor advises you to.

Adoption of excellent hygiene practices and other behaviors that reduce the chances of contracting infectious diseases.

Avoid smoking.

Sinusitis does not always require treatment; It often goes away on its own. Sinus infections rarely develop into life-threatening diseases if left untreated. However, if you experience extreme discomfort and difficulty in breathing, consult a health care professional immediately.

(This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)