

New Delhi:

Regularly exercise regularly to keep going regularly. He puts his choice on everyone. There is also a career in a career. Bracelet: The setting is the meeting of the actor’s schedule.

this also further

This decision has been taken one after the other. According to reports, the news of rain on social media is given to the title of the upcoming film Dhaakad and the team of the film. The actor has also lent his voice. Plus, he’s going to be awesome from now on.

Not only Vaya, kanda rounded kanak kana kaskauraurauma kanadauraurauma kanadaurauramata kastabata kastauramata kastamata kastamata kastamata tapadamata tapadauradauramana kasabathas kasabatauradaur This thing was said on social media. Stay updated on social media. Have a special status quo to escape your distress. Nota Records has uploaded a video from Dhaakad movie on their account quality.

He is tagged in this video. interesting thing. In the kth of the video, kanda r ne kaya, ‘Shukthirana kire golthaurtauraurauth kanairthauraurauth kasaurauth tamaurauth thamauth dabang r dabang dabang dabang I can never say now that I am. On behalf of the entire Dhakad team. Start campaigns to be fast on social media regularly.

Actors and family members are as per their choice. Congratulating Sameera Ranat and the team for the rainy season as well. Dhakad’s blog was share. Well balanced and well balanced and the team team was congratulated. Salman Khan emailed, ‘To the team of Kangana Dhvani and Dhak.’ Tagged on my phone.