Bolsonaro attacks Brazil vote as ‘spectacle’ at huge rally

Bolsonaro has repeatedly attacked the voting system, in a move that has drawn comparisons with former US President Donald Trump

President Jair Bolsonaro on Tuesday doubled down on his attacks on Brazil’s electronic voting system, telling a massive Independence Day rally that he refused to participate in an election “spectacle” in 2022.

“We want clean, democratic elections, with an auditable vote and public counting … I cannot participate in the spectacle being sponsored by the Superior Electoral Tribunal,” the far-right leader told the crowd of flag-sao Waving to supporters in Paulo.

Mr Bolsonaro is currently trailing in the polls for Brazil’s October 2022 elections, in which he is expected to face leftist former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva – although neither has officially announced his candidacy. Is.

Fighting the lowest approval rating of his presidency, a flagged economy and a series of institutions he insists are stacked against him – including the electoral court – Mr. Bolsonaro on Tuesday called for his supporters to fire in cities across Brazil. I called rallies.

He has repeatedly attacked Brazil’s voting system, in a move that has drawn comparisons with former US President Donald Trump, his political ideal.

The 66-year-old former army captain claims – without evidence – that Brazil’s electronic voting system is prone to fraud, and wants a paper copy of every ballot printed to enable audits.

Electoral officials say the system introduced in Brazil in 1996 is a good one, and adding paper print-outs would only open up a potential route for fraud.

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