Boris Johnson is in power by a thread – Times of India

(LR) Sajid Javid (who was the health minister in the British government), Rishi Sunak (who resigned as the finance minister) and UK PM Boris Johnson. (File photo: AP)

London: Britain’s Prime Minister clashes with Boris johnson Fighting for his political career on Wednesday night continued to escalate since the resignations of junior ministers, parliamentary aides and others. cupboard heavyweight sajido javado and sage Sunki on Tuesday.
Johnson faced repeated calls to resign from both the opposition and his own lawmakers during the Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQ) on Wednesday, where he was referred to as a “dead parrot (reference to the Monty Python comedy sketch)”, a Called “Former Prime Minister”. A “pathetic spectacle”.
Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer asked whether the resignations of Sunak and Javid were not the first recorded case of “the sinking of ships fleeing the rat”. “In the midst of a crisis, isn’t the country better off with a Z-list of nodding dogs,” Sir Keir asked in the PMQ, referring to the current cabinet that sits on the front bench.
Johnson’s integrity and leadership has been criticized after lawmakers accused him of lying about Partygate and whether he was aware of sexual misconduct allegations against a lawmaker when he promoted him to a government role. .
Johnson, however, vowed to step down as prime minister. Cutting a confident figure in the PMQ, he attacked the opposition and pointed out how his government was cutting taxes. “When things get tough, of course people fire on the country’s leader, but it’s my job to continue with our manifesto and that’s what I’m going to do,” he told lawmakers.
The 1922 Committee, the parliamentary group of Conservative Party backbenchers in the House of Commons, was to hold a meeting on Wednesday afternoon local time. Conservative rebel MP Andrew Bridghan told TOI that after that meeting he expected the chairman of the committee, Sir Graham Brady, to go and meet the PM and ask him to resign and tell him that if he doesn’t, they will follow the rules. And there he will have another vote of confidence and he will lose it. “It happened to Theresa May in 2019 and she resigned,” he told TOI.
Johnson thought he was in the clear late Tuesday when Sunak-Javid’s resignation did not prompt the entire cabinet to exit. Instead, there were dozens of resignations by junior ministers and aides, including six ministers who announced their resignations at the same time.
Johnson swiftly reshuffled his cabinet and appointed Nadim Zahawi, an Iraqi refugee in Britain, as Sunak’s replacement and Steve Barkley as Secretary of Education.
In his resignation statement to lawmakers on Wednesday, Javid urged the exit of the rest of the cabinet, saying: “I am afraid the reset button may only work so many times. It’s only a few times before you realize that something is fundamentally wrong. I conclude that the problem starts at the top. It’s not going to change. That means it is up to those of us who are in a position of responsibility to make that change. I see that the cabinet colleagues have decided to continue in the cabinet. It’s an option.”
A Conservative Indian counselor told TOI: “What I see in WhatsApp groups is that migrants are happy with what Sunak has done. He has stood up for our values. He tendered his resignation, this may be his last cabinet job, but I don’t think so. It was his and Javid’s chess move to attain moral heights. This is just going to be temporary. Both Sunak and Javid want bigger roles; There is only one role bigger than the Chancellor, and that is the PM, and Sunak is ambitious and will go for it when given a chance. Javid resigned once before and returned to the cabinet. That’s how it works.”
Conservative Friends of India patron Rami Ranger said, “Members are deeply disappointed about the infighting in the party because no party can get elected if it is not united.” He said the members were disappointed that Sunak resigned as he was “the pride of the community”.

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