Breakfast Special: 4 Classic Egg Breakfast Recipes You Can Make in the Microwave

When we think of breakfast, the first food that comes to our mind is eggs! Eggs are one of the most versatile foods that allow us to make an elaborate breakfast or quick snack without too much thought. We can choose to eat egg in any form or shape, this superfood never fails to satiate our taste buds. Not only this, eggs are packed with many essential nutrients that our body requires throughout the day. We all know the traditional methods of preparing eggs for breakfast but what if we tell you that there is a way to cook eggs in the microwave. Don’t believe us? Here are four classic egg breakfast recipes that can be easily prepared in the microwave. These microwave recipes will make your daily breakfast preparation in minutes!

Read also: How to fry eggs? An easy way to make your breakfast interesting and healthy

Here are 4 ways you can prepare eggs in the microwave:

1. Microwave Scrambled Eggs

Creamy scrambled eggs make for a delicious breakfast. You don’t need to do much preparation. Just crack a few eggs and sprinkle some salt and pepper and your breakfast will be easy. Instead of cooking in the microwave, pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds and a few times and your breakfast will be ready in minutes!

For the Microwave Scrambled Eggs click here.

2. Microwave Boiled Eggs

Don’t have a lot of time to make breakfast? Boiled eggs are the way to go! Boil water on the stove and wait for the eggs to cook. But what if we could make this process even faster? Yes we can do it! Boiling an egg on the stove can take about 10 minutes but it can be done in 5 minutes in the microwave!

Click here for Boiled Eggs in the Microwave.

Eggs can be easily cooked in the microwave.

3. Cooked Eggs in a Microwave

Some might say, egg poaching is an art that requires a lot of practice. The water should be at the right temperature so that the egg yolk doesn’t undercook or overcook and the egg white doesn’t burn. We can make this process a lot easier by doing it in the microwave! You’ll have perfectly cooked eggs in minutes.

Click here for Microwave Poached Eggs.

Omelette 620

Omelette makes a delicious breakfast.

4. Omelette in the Microwave

Imagine a stuffed and cheese omelet paired with fresh toasted bread and orange juice for breakfast. We find this type of sumptuous breakfast in most of the restaurants as we do not have the skill or time to prepare it at home. Hence this quick and delicious microwave omelet recipe is the perfect recipe to satisfy your one grand craving.

Click here for Omelette in the Microwave.

Try these microwave recipes and let us know which one is your favorite in the comments section!
