Breaking an Addiction: Lessons from the Weekend with Environmentalist Vandana Shiva

The weekend with environmentalist Vandana Shiva is a lesson in how to be content. Plus, here’s why farms are going to be more relevant than ever in a post-pandemic world

In a Vipassana course I took years ago, I learned the difference between making an assumption and gaining true knowledge. When we read something in a book, we assume that it is true; But we can become knowledgeable only through experience. So, even though I write on wellness and was aware of the term biodiversity, I only realized its true impact after visiting author, activist and environmentalist Vandana Shiva’s biodiversity conservation farm, Navdanya, on the outskirts of Dehradun in Uttarakhand. came in.

Spread over 52 acres, this land was earlier cultivated for sugarcane and eucalyptus. Today, these commercial crops have been replaced by an abundance of trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, and herbs. Within the farm there are about 72 species of birds, 5,000 varieties of crops (paddy, wheat, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, millets) and 78 types of herbs, not to mention insects, beetles, butterflies, lizards, spiders and toads . , all playing their part in this diverse landscape. There are 650 indigenous varieties of paddy in just one acre long field.

Even around residential huts (made of netting, cow dung, straw and mud), mango trees, heavy with fruit, are clustered with other plants so that every inch of the ground is covered with green .

Lessons in Biodiversity

In today’s controlled, clean and concrete environment, this forest is not only relaxing but will also be relevant in the post-pandemic world. While there are many such farms across the country, Navdanya is special because it also has an Earth University, an effort to educate both farmers and novices like me. As scientists including Shiva have observed, new infectious diseases such as Covid-19, Zika or Ebola have emerged after businesses invaded forests to grow global goods. This kind of institution helps us to understand why we need to go back to our roots.

a glimpse into society

  • Taking on the Billionaires’ Club: In His Latest Book unity vs 1%, Shiva confronts tech billionaires such as Bill Gates and Elon Musk, ‘whose blindness to the rights of the people, and the disastrous effects of their linear progress creation have devastated the world’.
  • Social vs Physical Distancing: At a time when both social distancing and social media are on the rise, I can’t help but ask what their role is in this new world, especially as I told them in an interview. Heard that he prefers the word physical distancing. “Social distancing means cutting the cord that sustains society whereas physical distancing is only a measure and is for a short period of time,” she says.

Just walking around the farm is instructive. I learned that camphor, neem, turmeric and papaya help in natural pest control. Planting radishes helps put nitrogen (essential for plant growth) back into the soil, while over-planting potatoes depletes the soil of this mineral. paddy border ragi (that is tall) to help prevent cross-pollination. and paddy seeds (the seed bank has about 750 indigenous paddy seeds) are protected from the very center of the field, where there is minimal cross-pollination. Shiva says that 70%-80% of pollinators (such as bees) have disappeared in areas where pesticides are used. “Food is central because we all eat and because industrial food is one of the biggest harm to our health, our planet, the current system of GMOs and agrochemicals is really putting our farmers on edge. More than 4,00,000 since 1995 till now Farmers have committed suicide,” she says.

Vandana Shiva

changing old habits

“Most of our habits today are addictive habits—we didn’t develop into them, they were imposed on us.” She gives the example of edible oils: “In 1998, we were forced to import genetically modified soy, even though we were the world’s largest producer of oilseeds, with the richest variety and maximum production.” Today, she says, we import 70% of our edible oil needs because of the active lobby. I also learned that the word ‘consumption’ was initially used to refer to people who were suffering from tuberculosis. The addiction to buying new things is certainly consuming the modern world, but now that shopping is completely at our fingertips, would we be happier with less stuff? I saw Shiva have silver rings on his fingers, all gifted, mostly by indigenous communities. She never wanted to replace or upgrade them.

Vandana Shiva shows her rings

new luxury

Oddly, I felt very satisfied at the farm – open for everyone to stay – even though my phone was off most of the time and my simple room was devoid of ‘luxuries’ such as a geyser (hot water available from a mango) on the patio tap). We were cleaning up after dinner, filling our bottles when needed and eating together in the canteen. Surrounded by nature, with the charming company of people, eating nutritious food (millet, country rice, freshly cut vegetables, local beans and lentils), breathing clean air, hearing birds and insects, I don’t need new things , an internet connection or room service. Could it be that we try to replace nature and community with shopping and smartphones? Maybe we need to change our definition of luxury.

A snapshot of guest accommodation facilities in Navdanya

A snapshot of guest accommodation facilities at Navdanya | photo Credit: special arrangement

On my drive back home, I saw the sugarcane fields with new eyes. What was once delightful now seems barren and industrial without the diverse abundance of plants. I think about what Shiva said moments before I left: “Everyone talks about frontline workers but farmers are care workers because they provide healthcare while doing good farming.” And good farming is not about a single species or culture of agrochemicals. It is about the many varieties of plants, animals and microbes working together to create a healthy ecosystem. If you can’t relate to what they’re saying then maybe you need experience.

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Vasudha Rai, The Hindu Weekendbeauty columnist, written Glowing: Indian foods, dishes and rituals for beauty inside and out and on the blog


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