Britain inks new security deals with Sweden and Finland – Times of India

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, left, and Sweden’s Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson meet the media during a joint news conference in Harpsund, the country’s retreat of Swedish Prime Ministers (AP).

British PM Boris Johnson said on Wednesday he has agreed to new deals with Sweden and Finland to bolster European security, pledging to support both countries’ armed forces if they come under attack.
Johnson signed the new announcements on Wednesday described by Britain as “a step-change in defense and security cooperation” during visits to both Sweden and Finland. “What it says is that in the event of a disaster, or an attack on either of us, we will come to the aid of each other, including military assistance,” Johnson said.
During a joint press conference with Johnson in Stockholm, Swedish PM Magdalena Andersen said: “Putin thought he could cause division, but he has achieved the opposite. We are here today more united than ever before.” ”
In Helsinki, asked whether Finland would provoke Russia by joining NATO, Finnish President Souli Niinisto said President Putin would be blamed for any decision of the military alliance. “My reaction would be that you caused it. Look in the mirror,” he said.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has forced a rethinking of how Sweden and Finland protect national security. Both are expected to join NATO, but both are concerned they will be vulnerable while their applications are processed, which could take up to a year. Sweden has also received assurances of support from the US and Germany. The Kremlin has warned that there will be “military and political repercussions” if the two decide to join NATO.

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