Britain to decide on easing travel restrictions in the country today

London Britain will consider easing England on Friday COVID-19 rules For international travel, the travel industry complained that the myriad rules and red tape were troubling airlines, holiday and tourism companies.

To slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, Britain has a maze of different rules requiring expensive private testing and quarantines and a so-called traffic light system that ranks destinations as green, amber and red.

“The cabinet’s COVID sub-committee that decides on these things will look at it,” Agriculture Secretary George Eustice told Sky News.

The British travel industry has called on the government to ease travel restrictions, allow companies to offer cheaper testing and give people with double vaccinations more freedom.

Tourists and ministers have complained that travelers are being charged for mandatory private COVID-19 tests – which are listed as costing around £50 but could cost up to £399 according to current listings .

The Times newspaper reported that ministers would cut the number of “Red List” countries by removing the “amber list” – currently 62 – and not paying for costly polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests that have been double vaccinated. Will have.

The newspaper said quarantine hotels are expected to remain in place for those returning from red-listed countries.

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