Britain’s Rishi Sunak, Health Minister resign in deep trouble for Boris Johnson

Britain’s Finance Minister Rishi Sunak and Health Secretary Sajid Javid resigned on Tuesday, putting Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government in jeopardy.

Mr Sunak said in his letter that he was “sad to leave the government”, but has come to the conclusion that “we cannot continue like this”.

Rishi Sunak said in his resignation letter, “The public rightly expects that the government will operate correctly, competently and seriously. I agree that this may be my last ministerial post, but I believe That these standards are worth fighting for and that’s why I am resigning.” ,

Mr Javid said he had lost faith in Johnson’s ability to govern in the national interest after a series of scandals, adding that he “can no longer be in good conscience”. He said many lawmakers and the public had lost faith in Johnson’s ability to govern in the national interest.

“However, I regret to say that it is clear to me that this situation will not change under your leadership – and therefore you have also lost my confidence,” Mr Javid said in a letter to Mr Johnson.

The minister’s step down is a major blow to Johnson’s leadership and comes after a day of high political drama as a former civil servant talks about his handling of charges against Downing Street’s recently suspended MP Chris Pincher Was.

Mr Johnson said he “deeply regrets” giving Pincher a government role as deputy chief whip after being made aware of the misconduct complaint against him.

“Ultimately it was wrong to do so and I apologize to all those who have been badly affected by this. I want to make it absolutely clear that there is no place in this government for anyone who is violent or abuses their position of power. Is.” Mr Johnson said.