Brown and proud Ankita Konwar reveals her Numero Uno trick with sun tan

Milind Soman’s wife Ankita Konwar has always spoken about choosing the natural over the artificial. From workout regimens to diet choices to skincare rituals, fitness enthusiasts are all about keeping it raw and real. This time around, Ankita shared her quick tip to get rid of sun tan. There’s nothing fancy to make skin fair, just an easy hack to make ‘brown’ skin glow.

As expected, she reached for an out-of-the-kitchen item – the humble and magical yogurt, to be exact. Yogurt is known to be a premium natural ingredient and bleaching agent. It lightens the skin tone and reduces pigmentation, dark spots. Ankita posted a video on Instagram and showed her ‘number one trick to reduce sun tan’.

He took two tablespoons of curd and applied it all over his face with his fingers. She advised to keep the pack on till it dries sufficiently and then wash it off. In the caption, he wrote, ‘My number one trick with sun tan. No, it doesn’t make you fair, it makes your ‘brown’ glow.”

Always showing off her brown skin with joy and pride, Ankita had earlier shared a post about self acceptance. She posted a filter vs no filter selfie and expressed her desire to see a filter free world. Ankita said in an accompanying note, “Because true connection occurs only when we present our authentic, “imperfect” selves to the world. Our sense of self-acceptance should always outweigh our need for belonging. “

In August, Ankita was seen flaunting her beautiful tan, which according to her is a common feature in a runner’s life.

She wrote, “8 days of highway running on my skin would have made me a panda if the panda was a brown bear and had white circles. PS – don’t worry about tanning, I’m fine.”

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