BSEB Result 2022: How to download marksheet and other details

The result of class X matriculation examination conducted by the Bihar School Examination Committee (BSEB) will be declared soon. A total of around 17 lakh students appeared for the matriculation exam this year. The class 10 exam was conducted from February 17 to 24. The exam was conducted in two shifts from 9.30 am to 12.45 pm and 1.45 pm to 5 pm. The answer key of Bihar Board Matriculation exam was released by the Bihar Board on 8th March.

Bihar Board 10th Result 2022: Check Here

Visit the official website –

Click on the result link on the homepage

Enter your login credentials

Submit & Download BSEB Matric Result 2022

Take a print out for further reference.

The board gives cash prizes and laptops to the toppers in class X exams. The first rank holder is given 1 lakh and one laptop while second and third rank holders will get one laptop and 75,000 more 50,000 respectively. A laptop and cash prize to the 4th to 10th place holders 10,000 is awarded.

List of Websites for BSEB Class 10th Result 2022




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