Bugatti shows off its first EV, but it’s not a record-breaking hypercar

Bugatti is perhaps best known for making cars that combine mind-bending straight-line speed with eclectic luxury.

The electric scooter is co-developed with Bytec International
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The electric scooter is co-developed with Bytec International

Bugatti has shown off its first EV and to the surprise of many, it is not a record-breaking hypercar with a Rimake electric powertrain, but a very humble electric scooter. Of course, after Bugatti’s merger with Rimac, the plan is for them to join forces with Bugatti’s future to focus on a hybrid powertrain. This electric scooter is something that was in the works before the merger last year.

The electric scooter was developed in partnership with Bytec International. It weighs just 15.8 kg with the magnesium alloy used in its construction. Bugatti claims it is aerodynamic yet functional.

Bugatti said, “Bugatti is at the pinnacle of automotive excellence. Partnering with a company like Bytec gives us an opportunity to expand our reach in the electric mobility space with an experienced partner and a product that will be enjoyed by consumers around the world. can pick up.” ,


Electric scooter 35 kms. Can only accelerate to 30 km/h with a range of

This is in complete contrast to the type of cars Bugatti is known to make. Its Chiron and Veyron cars easily cross the 300 km/h mark, while the electric scooter accelerates to just 30 km/h thanks to its 700-watt motor. It will be offered with 36V and 10Ah battery options that offer an overall range of up to 35km. Bugatti isn’t the first within the Volkswagen group to dabble in bikes – Porsche which was the parent of Bugatti until its merger with Rimac also dabbled with an electric bike.

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After 2024, the first fruit expected of the Bugatti-Rimaq will be a hybrid hypercar. The Chiron will be the last fully internal combustion-based hypercar built by Bugatti.

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