Build bone health with a healthy diet and exercise

Bones are an integral part of our body in the body. They provide structure, protect organs, and store calcium. Building strong and healthy bones during childhood and adolescence, along with a healthy balanced diet, can help prevent bone diseases in adulthood. In puberty, the body processes new bone faster than it breaks down old bone and bone mass increases. After 30 years, bone remodeling continues, but you lose a little more bone mass than you gain.

Bones mainly provide protection to the parts of our body. “Bones grow, weaken and then rebuild. So, bone health is vital for survival. The body can remain healthy only when bones are healthy. Everything depends on bone health. Bone health Calcium is essential for health and at the same time is equally important for the healthy functioning of all cells in the body,” said Dr. Yuvraj Kumar, President, Orthopedic, Joint Replacement and Play Injury, Accord Super Specialty Hospital, Faridabad.

Bone has its own metabolism that leads to constant change. To keep bones healthy, we need proper diet and exercise.

What should be eaten to maintain bone health?

A diet rich in protein and calcium is essential for maintaining bone health. “Milk and milk products such as curd, cottage cheese, cottage cheese. Almonds, walnuts, groundnut spinach, broccoli, sprouts, flaxseed, fish are excellent sources of dietary calcium,” says Dr Ankit Chawla, Consultant Orthopedic, Marengo QRG Hospital, Faridabad.

Vitamin D needed for the absorption of calcium in the diet is made naturally in the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight, so at least 30 minutes of sunlight is necessary to maintain bone health.

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We need plenty of calcium mainly for good bone health but calcium alone is not enough. Along with calcium, we need vitamin D to absorb calcium in the bones. “We should ideally mix seasonal vegetables, seasonal fruits with milk, paneer and other dairy food. Vegetarians should include soy in their diet as soy is a rich source of calcium. If a person is a non-vegetarian then eggs, chicken, mutton, fish can be taken in measured quantities,” says Dr Kumar.

Exercise for Bone Health?

Like muscle, bone responds to exercise by becoming stronger. Walking, dancing, low-impact aerobics, elliptical training machines, stair climbing and gardening all help protect against bone loss. These types of exercises directly work the bones in your legs, hips and lower spine to slow mineral loss. They also provide cardiovascular benefits, which promote heart and circulatory system health.

“People who exercise achieve greater peak bone density and strength. Weight-bearing exercises such as walking, jogging, climbing stairs and lifting weights such as resistance exercises are best for bone health. Others such as swimming and cycling Exercises help build and maintain muscle mass and excellent cardiovascular benefits are not the best form of bone exercise,” Dr Chawla indicated.

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