Bulgarian Baba Vanga who predicted 9/11, Brexit said Putin would rule the world

In the midst of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it is suddenly impossible to ignore an ominous prophecy made decades ago by a blind but revered psychic. When Bulgarian citizen Baba Vanga told author Valentin Sidorov that Russia would become ‘the lord of the world’ while Europe would become a ‘wasteland’, the world took it seriously because this woman was no joke, according to the 2018 Birmingham Mail said the report. He had an 85 percent success rate in his predictions, including the rise of ISIS, the subsequent 9/11 attacks and, more relevantly, Putin’s coming to power.

According to the report, Baba Vanga declared in 1979, “All will melt, like snow, only one remains – the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia.” In 1996, Baba died at the age of 85. He is believed to have said, “No one can stop Russia.” After Putin initially assumed the position of acting President of Russia in December 1999, he continued to dominate Russian politics and played a key role in world affairs.

Interestingly, apart from correctly predicting the 9/11 attacks, Baba Vanga, born in the Vengelia Pandava village of Strumica, also predicted Brexit a few decades back. It predicted that Europe would not exist in its present form until 2016. On 23 June 2016, Britain voted to leave the European Union, just as it had predicted.

Despite being blind as a child from a tornado, Vanga had made thousands of predictions over her 50-year career. He predicted in August 1999 that the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk would be flooded and the whole world would mourn. In August 2000 the submarine sank in the Barents Sea, killing all the crew. Vanga also predicted that Donald Trump would be elected President of the United States and that, as “the 45th President of the United States”, he would face a disaster that would “bring down the country.” However, his prediction of Barack Obama being the last US President remains a mystery. While he predicted a third world war on the “100th anniversary of the visit of Our Lady of Fatima”, he also predicted that China would become a world power by 2018.

Dubbed the “Nostradamus of the Balkans”, Baba Vanga’s words are something that are resonating with all of us as Vladimir Putin takes another step to raise his glory.

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