Cafe Amaretto is the ultimate place to satisfy all your Italian food cravings

We can’t help but plan all the delicious meals to eat over the weekend because the weekend is just around the corner. Whenever we go out, be it with friends or family, we always go for pizza or pasta. Undoubtedly, Indians love Italian food the most! If you are wondering where to find the best Italian food in Delhi-NCR, we have the answer for you. This restaurant is the ideal place to meet up with friends and family while enjoying some delicious Italian food. Cafe Amaretto is a heaven for those who love authentic Italian cuisine and is located in South Point Mall on Golf Course Road.

Read also: 17 Best Italian Food Recipes | Easy Italian Recipes

We started our tasting with roasted mushrooms with feta cheese and black pepper. The mushroom filling was excellent, and the explosion of flavors made the mushrooms melt in your mouth. We had fried prawns as our next appetizer. Anyone who enjoys seafood will find this dish delicious. Chicken Shawarma was the last of the starters. Although the filling wasn’t great, the bread was incredibly soft.

Post starters, we enjoyed our favorite pizzas. We sampled the Grilled Chicken Pizza. Crispy pizza crust is topped with succulent chicken pieces that have been expertly grilled. We just loved it! We got cold coffee to go with the pizza. It was refreshing, and the coffee smelled great! We ended the meal on a sweet note, with waffles with Nutella.


Next time you want authentic Italian food, try this place and let us know how you all liked it in the comments below.

Location: Cafe Amaretto

Price for two: INR 2000 (approx)

Location: South Point Mall, Golf Course Road, Sector 53, Gurugram

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