Call to activate Kochi Metropolitan Transport Authority

A memorandum has been submitted to the Chief Minister and the Transport Minister in this regard.

A memorandum has been submitted to the Chief Minister and the Transport Minister in this regard.

MLA KN Unnikrishnan has said that steps should be taken to activate the Kochi Metropolitan Transport Authority (KMTA) immediately. A memorandum in this regard has been submitted to the Chief Minister and the Transport Minister, said a communication here on Wednesday.

Mr Unnikrishnan said the Metropolitan Transport Authority Act came into force two years ago, and was aimed at addressing public transport issues in the urban areas of Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode as well. The first meeting of the authority was held on January 22 last year.

While the move to include areas belonging to the Goshree Island Development Authority (GIDA) in the KMTA was drafted, which now covers the Kochi corporation area, it has not been notified so far, Mr. Unnikrishnan said.