Can detox juices harm your body, here’s what research says

Detox juices are the talk of the town because of their claims of rapid weight loss, clearing toxins from your liver, controlling blood sugar levels and supporting heart health. It is okay to consume the drink along with a proper diet. However, many people consume non-regulated detox juices as a meal replacement or health elixir for added benefits and this is of great concern. The cleansing mechanism of detox juices does not have any solid evidence to support its claim. Detox juices, teas and supplements contain many ingredients, some of which are not good for health. Here you are told about detox and detox juice.

What is Detox?

The first thing people should be aware of is what a detox really is. It is the process of ridding your body of all intoxicants, toxins and refueling the body. Our body has its own mechanism for clearing toxins through the liver, feces, kidneys, urine and sweat. The liver filters toxins through phagocytosis using sinusoid channels that are lined with Kupffer cells, a special type of immune cell. These cells take in all the toxins, and digest and flush them out. The lungs also clean out toxins by using tiny hairs called cilia that expel all unwanted particles through coughing or sneezing.

Kidney is another important organ which is responsible for detox. The kidneys flush out the toxins through urine. The colon or large intestine also acts as a self-cleaning oven.

What do detox juices do?

Detox juices are claimed to contain natural or herbal ingredients that help the body stimulate the detox process. These drinks claim to remove toxins from the liver and other parts of the body through urine and sweat, as well as improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, reduce inflammation, and reduce chronic lethargy. and provide essential nutrients.

How Risky Is Detox Juice For Your Body?

Numerous medical research has documented the many potential risks associated with detox juices. Detox juices, teas and supplements contain many ingredients that can be harmful at times if not consumed in limited amounts.

As the liver is a detoxification organ, people think that detox juices can cleanse the liver, boost metabolism, and help with weight loss. However, they can damage their vital organs in the process. Liver diseases can be treated medically. However, the National Center for Biotechnology Information claimed that one of the most commonly used detox supplements, green tea extract, can cause acute liver failure, either requiring a liver transplant or in overdose. Death can occur if consumed.

The portal also shared the case of a 60-year-old woman who died of liver failure after drinking Yogi brand “detox” tea thrice a day for 14 days. It was believed that his liver was damaged due to the ingredients in the tea containing 18 herbs. In another incident, an Epsom salt detox caused manganese poisoning in a 50-year-old woman who died of multiple organ failure.

Many unknown ingredients in detox juices or drinks are very high. Taking an overdose of some of these ingredients can cause serious health complications and sometimes death.

Many people drink detox juices for quick weight loss or organ cleansing. However, the initial weight can easily come back once you stop taking the supplements. It is better to eat healthy, engage in regular physical activity and take care of your mental health to improve your overall health.

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