Can You Spot a House Up for Sale in This Optical Illusion Test in 9 Seconds?

An optical illusion plays tricks with your vision. As you live in a three-dimensional world, the brain receives clues about depth, light, and position to help you make sense of what you see. But when you look at a two-dimensional image, there is a high chance that the brain can be fooled because it doesn’t get the same clues. Such mind-boggling riddles are called optical illusions. It is used as a test to determine the level of observational skills as well as our perception. Want to experience the magic of optical illusion? dive in.

Here is an image of row houses in a delightful city. You will notice that there are trees next to all the houses, and not to forget the color combination, which makes them more attractive. Now, if you focus on the image, you will see ‘sold’ boards on all houses except one. Home Alone is still looking for the right owner.

Your task is to find the house with the sale board in 9 seconds. The clock is ticking, ticking.. talking.. ticking.. ticking…

Were you able to locate the house? No? Let us give you a hint: The ‘home for sale’ is not located on the top row of the picture.

any luck? We are sure some of you must have seen the house. And for those who didn’t, time is already over. But you can still look for a home with another sign in your pocket, the roof of the house is neither brick nor dark blue.

If you still can’t find the home, check out the solution below:

Come from the bottom left to the third house with the dark blue roof. In the same street, another brown roof house is the answer. As you focus on its surroundings, you will be able to see a ‘Sales’ board.

Wasn’t it difficult?

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