‘Capcom Fighting Collection’ review

Capcom’s Latest Retro Gaming Collection Instantly Takes You Back to the Days of “Hadoken” and “Yoga Fire”

Capcom’s Latest Retro Gaming Collection Instantly Takes You Back to the Days of “Hadoken” and “Yoga Fire”

Many ’90s kids will remember their parents describing the arcade as a den of corruption. Those were the days of fighting games, surrounded by the reverberating sounds of Ryu chanting “Hadokan” and Dhalsim’s “Yoga Agni”. Capcom’s latest retro gaming collection gives you instant access to those days.

The Capcom Fighting Collection is an eclectic mix of one-on-one fighting games, a genre the company has dominated to this day. There is a colorful cast of characters you can choose from in this genre of gaming. You can defeat your opponent’s character using a range of combinations and special power moves. Games such as Mortal Kombat and Samurai Shodown were seen in this genre. To deal with the onslaught of competition, Capcom threw a number of creative twists on the genre, inspired by monster movies, transformer, Dungeons and Dragons even more.

The game you will recognize the most here is Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition, a version of Street Fighter II Turbo With more characters. You may also be familiar with Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo And super gem fighter mini mixwhich combines gem puzzle Street Fighter Pot. Then come all the Darkstalker and Vampire Hunter games. For those who haven’t heard of the Darkstalkers, this is the answer to the question: What if Dracula, Frankenstein, and several other gothic monsters turned against each other? red Earth and a robot fighting game called Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness Make up the remainder of this fun collection.

These games will be special to a lot of people who grew up in the 90s and early. Street Fighter is likely to be the favorite. However, it is not the only gem in this collection. Darkstalkers was my jam in those days. While the series is well represented, Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge And Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampires Only in Japanese. Capcom could take some time to translate, given that it was a worldwide release.

Another great game in this collection is red Earth, which is a unique fighting game with a fantasy spin. While there are four characters to choose from, you have a single player Quest mode, which lets you take it out against computer opponents. The second one is Versus Mode, which is a traditional fighting game.

While the collection is available on all platforms, it is best played on the Nintendo Switch, given that you can fight battles on the go. Capcom Fighting Collection is a walk down memory lane. However, it comes with a hefty price tag.