Carl Pei Compares Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra to Nothing Phone (1), Shares Thoughts on Design, Camera, Price

Nothing CEO Carl Pei has released a review of Samsung’s latest flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S23 Ultra, on the company’s official YouTube channel. This follows Pei’s personal reviews of other recent flagship smartphones including the OnePlus 11 and iPhone 14 Pro.

in his review Galaxy S23 UltraIn this article, Pei discusses his thoughts on the device’s design, cameras, software, and pricing, as well as how these features compare to the Nothing Phone (1). The review follows the same interview format as Pei’s previous smartphone review videos.

During the opening of the interview, Pei shared that he was an early Samsung fan and even bought the Samsung Galaxy S2 and S3 before his friends. He also revealed that he has been using the S23 Ultra for review purposes for over a month now.

Pei acknowledged that balancing his responsibilities as a CEO and YouTuber has been challenging. He had planned to release his review of the Samsung S23 Ultra during the embargo period, but scheduling conflicts delayed the release.

nothing ceo Emphasized the importance of a distinct brand identity and unique physical characteristics for smartphones that differentiate them from competitors. However, he described the S23 Ultra’s design as lacking in artistic appeal, stating that it was “a straight student with pure science, but no art.”

He noted that there were few differences between the S23 and S22 Ultra in terms of design, with the only noticeable changes being less curvature in the bottom corners and a slightly larger bezel around the cameras. Pei pointed out that these details are not important to the average consumer, and that Samsung has targeted this phone to the masses.

Regarding the camera, Pei said that the number of megapixels is not as relevant as the physical size of the camera and sensor. He also added that most brands have already mastered the post-processing formula of photos. Pei also addressed the controversy surrounding the 100x Space Zoom feature, which combines optical zoom and computational processing. He explained that Samsung used computational photography to enhance the images of the Moon and that this technique is used by all smartphone cameras.

Pei said Samsung’s target audience is the public, whereas Nothing targets a small group of tech and design enthusiasts. He credited Samsung for its role in building the Android ecosystem and for being a long-standing player in the industry. However, Pei criticized the high price of the Galaxy S23 Ultra and highlighted that users can buy three nothing phone (1) model for the same price. He concluded by praising the camera software experience but expressing disappointment towards the company’s UI design.

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