CAT 2023: Last-Minute Tips to Enhance Your Exam-Day Performance – News18

The candidates should not get nervous while attempting the CAT 2023 exam.

The applicants should first solve only those questions for which they are capable of writing the solution.

With the Common Admission Test (CAT) just around the corner on November 26, aspirants are gearing up for one of India’s most challenging MBA examinations. Success in CAT requires not just rigorous preparation but also a strategic approach during the exam. Here are some crucial tips for candidates aiming to secure a strong percentile in CAT 2023:

1. Manage Nervousness:

Maintain composure during the exam; avoid hasty decisions that may impact confidence.

Start with questions you are most confident in to build momentum.

2. Keep Essential Documents:

Carry original admit card and identification; avoid relying solely on photocopies.

Arrive at the exam centre early and ensure all required documents are in order.

3. Prioritise Health:

Be cautious with pre-exam meals; opt for easily digestible, home-cooked food.

Ensure a good night’s sleep to approach the exam with a clear mind.

4. Strategic Question Selection:

Identify questions within your comfort zone and solve them first.

Avoid spending too much time on challenging questions; strategic time management is key.

5. Revision is Crucial:

Focus on last-minute revision, reinforcing formulas, and key concepts.

Enhance vocabulary and stay updated on current affairs for the General Knowledge section.

6. Beware of Overconfidence:

While confidence is crucial, avoid overestimating your abilities; stay realistic.

Manage time effectively to attempt as many questions as possible within the stipulated time.

7. Stay Hydrated and Relaxed:

Keep water handy to stay hydrated during the exam.

Practice deep-breathing exercises to manage stress and maintain focus.

8. Familiarize Yourself with Exam Patterns:

Understand the CAT exam pattern, including sectional time limits.

Prioritize sections based on personal strengths and weaknesses.

9. Practice Mock Tests:

Take full-length mock tests to simulate exam conditions and improve time management.

Analyze performance to identify areas for improvement.

10. Believe in Yourself:

Trust your preparation and believe in your capabilities.

Stay positive and approach the exam with a mindset geared toward success.