CBSE 12th Biology exam is long with some tricky, open-ended questions, say experts

CBSE Class 12 exam held on 18th December was rated easy but lengthy with some tricky questions by most of the students. Compared to other Class 12 exams conducted by CBSE under Term 1 board, Biology was comparatively easy yet it had some questions which required Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).

He said, ‘Some questions were open-ended, with close answers. It was a lengthy paper as the students had to go through and read each question as well as the options carefully to arrive at the correct answer. There were a total of four Assertion Reasoning type questions which were moderately difficult, said Sunila Athlei

The Principal, Amity School, Vasundhara Sector-6.

Some teachers believed that open-ended questions could be misleading. Manjuta, a biology teacher at Jain International Residential School (JIRS), Bengaluru, said, “Some questions including QN 52 and 53 were misleading if the student did not get the real meaning of the question. The question should be closed and not open leading to confusion. will be born.”

Manasi V Patil, a student of Jain International Residential School (JIRS), Bengaluru, said, “I thought the paper was quite easy. There were one or two difficult questions that confused us. The paper was not time consuming and covered various topics covered in NCERT. Overall the paper was easy in general.”

Many teachers believed that even though the questions were indirect, they were from NCERT. Case study based questions were easy. Dr Mala Kapoor, Principal, Silverline Prestige School, Ghaziabad, said that most of them were confident of securing more than 70 per cent marks.

CBSE is conducting the term 1 board exam. This year there will be two boards. The result will be based on Term 1 and Term 2 examinations as well as internals. Term 1 result will carry marks only and no student will be given pass or fail status in Term 1 result.

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