CBSE 12th History Exam Analysis: Average paper with some thought-provoking questions, say experts

Central Board of Examination (CBSE) According to experts, the Class 12 History Board Exam 2022 held on 20th December is an average paper with some tough questions. Experts said some of the questions were “suggestive” and “cleverly crafted”. The paper followed the pattern of CBSE sample paper and students are satisfied with the overall exam.

Dr. Mangala Vaid said, “Section A had questions which were very straight and direct, however Section B had questions where students had to go through the questions several times before deciding the answer, so the questions were not difficult, but Cleverly crafted and thought provoking.” , Vice Principal, Silverline Prestige School, Ghaziabad.

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Vaid said that like Section B, Section C also there were difficult questions and students could answer them only if they read the passage carefully. Meanwhile, section D which was the map section was simple and easy.

“All the students appeared comfortable while attempting the paper and were able to complete the paper in the stipulated time. It tested the application and analytical skills of the students and required in-depth knowledge of NCERTs. Overall the students were satisfied,” said Divya Bhatia, Principal, Amity Saket.

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CBSE Class 12 exams which started from 1st December will conclude tomorrow with Home Science on 21st December. The board this year had divided the examinations into parts, with each part comprising 50 per cent of the syllabus. The board had also reduced the overall syllabus by 30 percent. The final result will be prepared on the basis of internal assessment marks and two parts with practical.

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