CDC updates COVID-19 isolation guidance, reduces testing requirement

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday updated its guidance for people infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, including new details for those who want to be tested before leaving isolation. But the agency stopped short of saying people should get a test done before going back to work or resuming social activities.

The US agency said that if an infected person has testing facilities and wants to get tested, the best approach would be to use an antigen test, also known as a rapid test, for their five-day isolation. at the end of the period. If the test is positive, the person should continue to self-isolate for 10 days, but may end isolation after five days if they get a negative result, as long as the person is well-fitted around others. Will wears a mask.

“If people wear a good mask—after five days, it’s probably going to be fine for most people,” said Peter Chin-hong, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco. But if someone, such as a health worker, is about to be around people at risk of getting serious illness, he said he would recommend getting a test done before stepping out of isolation.

The CDC first changed its guidance on isolation last week, cutting in half the time a person is required to isolate after receiving a positive COVID-19 test, from 10 days to five, until that they have symptoms or no symptoms. There has been improvement and they will continue to wear masks for the next five days.

The guidance opened the door for people to return to work or other public places more quickly, as rising Covid-19 cases paralyzed employees at airlines, health centers and other businesses.

The earlier recommendation received backlash from some public health experts and doctors, who said ending isolation around day five without a negative COVID-19 test could increase the spread of the coronavirus and put people at risk, Because some people can still be contagious.

The CDC said Tuesday that if a person has access and wants a test, the best approach would be to use an antigen test, which hunts for fragments of virus proteins. They work best when people have a lot of viruses and are most likely to be contagious. In contrast, molecular PCR tests look for fragments of the virus’s genetic material, which can remain there for weeks after a coronavirus infection. People can still test positive even if they are no longer contagious.

Rapid antigen tests have been in short supply in recent weeks, as holiday celebrations and a surge in cases caused by the Omron variant have driven demand.

The agency said people should avoid travel for 10 days after the first test positive, or wear a well-fitting mask after five days if they have to travel.

“Do not go to places where you are unable to wear a mask, such as restaurants and some gyms, and avoid eating around others at home or work for a full 10 days after the first day of symptoms,” the agency said.

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