CE-20 cryogenic rocket engine tested successfully

Indian Space Research Organisation’s Liquid Propulsion Research Centre (IPRC) here in Mahendragiri, has successfully tested the cryogenic rocket engine to be used in its ‘Mission Gaganyaan’. As the ISRO is to use CE – 20 cryogenic engine in its ‘Mission Gaganyaan’ for sending man to space in 2024 and bringing the astronauts back to earth after remaining for three days at an orbit of 400 km, the engine is undergoing a range of tests.

Since cryogenic engine CE – 20 is to be used in the upper stage of the Launch Vehicle Mark – 3, it was tested in the IPRC for 720 seconds on Wednesday.

 “The test, which was conducted to confirm the engine’s capacity, thrust, endurance, heat resistance etc., went well and produced all desired and expected results,” said sources in IPRC.