Celebrate Eid with easy-to-make seviyan

New Delhi [India], Apr 20 (ANI): Sevai or sevaiyan, a traditional festival recipe, is made in almost every household on the occasion of Eid. A favorite and scrumptious dessert for many Indian households, it is quick and easy to make with just a few ingredients.

Seviyan (Sevai, Semiya) is Urdu for vermicelli noodles, which are widely used to prepare culinary dishes across the world.

These are thin noodles made from a variety of flours such as rice, wheat, and other gluten-free grains such as ragi, jowar, etc. Some people also make vermicelli using mung beans, sweet potatoes, etc.

Vermicelli Kheer is known by many names like Vermicelli Kheer, Sevai Kheer, Semiya Kheer. It is a pudding made using milk, but unlike western-style puddings, which are thick and custard-like, kheer is runny in its consistency.

It is also called semiya payasam in the southern part of India.

Ahead of Eid, let’s have a look at some easy recipes of Sevaiyan Kheer.

sweet vermicelli

First of all, prepare all the ingredients for the vermicelli.

Break the vermicelli and keep it aside. Then chop the dry fruits and keep them aside. You can add dry fruits of your choice.

Heat a pan and then add 1 tbsp ghee to it.

Let the ghee melt and then add 1 cup broken vermicelli. 5. On a low to medium flame, while stirring continuously, fry the vermicelli till they turn golden brown.

Then put all the chopped dry fruits and raisins in it.

Shake them well.

Lower the flame and add 2 cups of milk. You can also add water instead of milk.

Stir and mix very well. Then keep stirring continuously for 2 to 3 minutes.

Now add 1/4 cup sugar. Keep stirring the mixture.

Add 1/4 cup milk powder. If you don’t have milk powder, skip it.

Mix again.

Sprinkle 1/2 tsp cardamom powder and stir well.

The mixture will start thickening and vermicelli will also start absorbing milk. When all the milk is absorbed, turn off the gas. And serve vermicelli with some garnishing.

Vegetarian Vermicelli

Ingredients: 2 Tbsp vegan butter or oil, 2 Tbsp raw cashew pieces or other nuts like raw pistachio or almond pieces, 2 Tbsp golden raisins or other dried fruit seeds from 1 green cardamom, 1 clove, a pinch of salt, 1 /2 cups (30 g) vermicelli noodles broken into 4 to 5-inch pieces, use Thai rice vermicelli for GF, 2 cups (500 ml) almond milk or other non-dairy milk, 2 to 3 Tbsp sugar or to taste, a drop of vanilla extract, ½ Tbsp (1 or 2 Tbsp) ground raw cashews Optional, for variation: 6 saffron strands or 1/2 tsp rose water instead of vanilla .


Heat oil in a pan on medium heat. When hot, add cashews and cook till they turn light golden on some edges. 1 to 2 minutes. Add raisins and cook till they swell. Take out the cashews and raisins and keep them aside.

In the same pan, add cardamom, cloves, salt and vermicelli noodles and cook on medium heat till the noodles turn golden brown. 4 to 7 minutes, depending on noodles used. Rice vermicelli takes longer to roast. Stir occasionally to avoid burning.

Add almond milk and boil it.

Add sugar, vanilla and mix. Reduce the heat to low-medium and continue cooking till the noodles are cooked. 5 to 7 minutes. Taste sweet and adjust.

Fold in half the cashews and raisins. If the halwa is not thick enough, add ground cashew nuts and mix. and continue cooking for 3 to 4 minutes or till desired consistency. The pudding will thicken further as it cools.

Garnish with remaining cashews and raisins. Cool, remove cloves and serve.

There is another type of vermicelli pudding that is popular in the subcontinent. This is called Colorful Sevaiyan Eid Special Pakistani.

Ingredients 1 cup vermicelli (vermicelli), 2 glasses milk, 3 tbsp powdered sugar, green cardamom, dates, 3 tbsp fresh cream, chopped almonds, 2 tbsp custard powder (vanilla)


First of all take a vessel and pour milk in it.

Add small cardamom, sugar and boil it.

After the milk starts boiling, put vermicelli in this milk.

Cook on medium heat for 5 minutes.

Cut the dates into two pieces and add them.

To mix milk, take two tablespoons of custard powder and dissolve it in this milk.

Pour this custard mixture into the vermicelli but very slowly.

Add fresh cream and mix well and switch off the flame.

Transfer it in a serving bowl and garnish with chopped almonds.

Wish everyone a delicious Eid this year with these mouth-watering seviyan. (ANI)

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