Center disrespecting majority sentiment by closing mosques: Mehbooba Mufti

PDP president Mehbooba Mufti on Saturday accused the Center of bias, saying stopping people from offering prayers at mosques and religious places in Kashmir shows the Indian government’s “disrespect” to the sentiments of the majority community. Mehbooba was reacting to the frequent closure of something. Mosques and shrines in Srinagar city, including the Jamia Masjid in Nowhatta, in the wake of a spike in COVID-19 cases over the past few weeks.

“Preventing people from offering prayers in mosques and dargahs in Kashmir shows the disrespect of the Government of India towards the sentiments of the majority community. Especially at a time when parks and public spaces are open and there are countless crowded government events throughout the day. Reeks of bias (sic),” the PDP president wrote on Twitter.


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