Center lays out eligibility criteria for recruitment of Assistant Professors

The central government has decided to put on hold the plan to make PhD the minimum qualification for the recruitment of assistant professors this year. covid-19 pandemic.

The education ministry has removed the provisional criteria to allow universities to fill vacancies.

“Around 10,000 posts, including teaching and non-teaching staff, are vacant in central universities and the ministry had directed to fill up the vacancy at the earliest,” education ministry sources told the news agency. ANI.

Speaking to the media, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said, “The ministry has temporarily put a hold on PhD for the recruitment of Assistant Professor and PhD will not be mandatory for this post, but it has not been cancelled.”

The move is expected to rapidly fill up vacant teaching positions in higher education institutions.

“The Ministry of Education had received several requests from candidates who wished to apply for the post but were unable to fulfill the PhD requirement, asking for a postponement of the 2018 guidelines,” education ministry sources said.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) had set the criteria for recruitment to entry level posts in universities and colleges in 2018. It had given candidates three years to complete their PhD and asked all universities and colleges to start implementing the recruitment criteria from the 2021-22 academic session.

Due to the pandemic, many candidates could not complete their PhD and were appealing to the government to relax eligibility this year, as universities were closed and research activities suffered due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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