Chaitra Navratri 2022: It is better to take care of Maa Kushmanda, Know

Maa Kushmanda: Kushmanda has a home care position.

special things

  • Chai Navratri Navratri Navratri
  • Kushmanda Mata gets due to the brightness of the sun.
  • You are also the original power.

Chaitra Navratri: The fourth day of Chaitra Navaratri is dedicated to Goddess Kyushanda. For the happy mother (Durga Maa) at home, the worship of work mentally is worship. Plants resembling the germs of the environment are as beautiful. Also, Kushmanda Mata is also inherited. Mata Kushmanda (Mother Kushmanda) has bow, chakra, kamandal, kalash, mace, arrow, flower and chanting Malik.

this also further

Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Dr. Nartam Mishra has also congratulated everyone on this great Ku app.

Navratri day fourth day of navratri

Kushmanda is also the controller of the diverse solar system. Along with this it is also applicable that the radiance of Kushmanda (Goddess Kushmanda) born in Suryaloka is the same as that of the Sun and they work together.

Maa Kushmanda is specially characterized by colored clothes. Devotees are worshiping this dressed mother with full fervor.

To worship Kushmanda on the day of Navratri (Navratri), the memorial is decorated with a bath and a post. After completing this puja the puja is performed. Kushmanda has to offer malpua to mother in the enjoyment. Kushmanda. Bari, chanting the mantra (Kushmanda mantra) is also auspicious.

Kushmanda Mata Mantra

Surasampoornkalasham Rudhiraplutmev Ch | Dadhana Hastapathmabhayam in Kushmanda Shubhadastu ||

(disclaimer: here

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