Chaitra Navratri 2023: 7 Weight Loss Friendly Fasting Snacks For Navratri

Chaitra Navratri 2023: Are you ready to fast and celebrate Chaitra Navratri 2023? The nine-day festival will begin on March 22, 2023, and end on March 30. While it is a time for prayer and fasting, it is also a time to indulge in delicious fasting-friendly foods that are typical of this festival. All is well as long as we do not think about our weight and refrain from eating kuttu puti, sitaphal pakora, aloo tikki and other such food items that can set back our weight goals. Not to worry, we have found some scrumptious fasting-friendly snacks that will bring health and taste to your plate. Have them guilt-free during Navratri while sticking to your weight loss diet.

Read also: 15 Vrat-Friendly Recipes To Try In This Healthy Navratri Meal Plan

Chaitra Navratri 2023: Here are 7 weight loss friendly snacks for Navratri 2023:

1. Vratwale Paneer Rolls

Fancy a fancy snack during fasting? This paneer roll is what you must have. Made of grated paneer, potatoes, rock salt and some simple spices, this roll is fried on a tawa in a little ghee and relishes with chutney. Click here for the recipe of Vratwale Paneer Roll,

Paneer rolls make for the perfect snack.
photo credit: iStock

2. Samak Dhokla

Dhokla serves as a snack platter for almost every occasion. Weight watchers love this snack as it is light and nutritious. Keep enjoying this delicious dish during Navratri by making it with samak instead of rice or semolina. Temper with whole red chillies, cumin, ghee and curry leaves and treat yourself. For the full recipe of Samak Dhokla, click here.

3. Arabic Kofte

Can’t eat fried kebabs because you’re still on a weight loss diet? Don’t worry. This Arbi Kofta will help you both fast and indulge at the same time. Succulent and healthy pan-fried koftas served with mint coriander dip is just what you need to satiate your growling stomach during Navratri. For the recipe of Arbi Kofta, click here.

4. Sweet Potato Chaat

Such delicacies make the festival of Navratri exciting. Sweet Potato Chaat is not just delicious, it is nutritious and healthy too, and is perfect for a weight loss diet. It is also rich in proteins, various vitamins and minerals and fiber for good digestion. Click here for the easy recipe of Sweet Potato Chaat,

5. Roasted Makhane

Be it Navratri or not, makhana is a popular feature on the diet snack platter. Low in calories and high in protein, makhana makes a light and healthy snack that everyone will enjoy. Of course, they taste best when fried in a little ghee and sprinkled with a little rock salt.

6. Fruit Chaat

Eating whole fruit can get a little too boring. Spice up your Navratri snacking time with this fruit chaat, which packs in lots of flavor and crunch from a variety of fruits like banana, papaya, watermelon, apple and pomegranate. For the Vrat-friendly Fruit Chaat recipe, click here,

7. Dates and Nuts Laddus

This one is for those with a sweet tooth. This laddoos will satisfy it without hindering your weight loss journey. Nuts provide lots of nutrition and energy, and dates naturally add sweetness. For the recipe of Healthy Dates and Nuts Ladoo, click here.


Laddoos are a part of every Indian festival.
photo credit: iStock

Happy Chaitra Navratri 2023!