Chancellor Rishi Sunak admits to attending Downing Street lockdown party – Times of India

London: Chancellor of the Exchequer of Britain Rishi Sunki has reportedly admitted to attending Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s lockdown birthday party in 2020, but declined to say what happened when he entered the room and claimed he was in the cabinet room for a were in covid meeting.
Five of Johnson’s aides, including longtime policy chief Munira Mirza, chief of staff Dan RosenfieldPrincipal Private Secretary Martin ReynoldsAnd communications director Jack Doyle resigned from their positions within hours of each other on Thursday, following a damning investigation that revealed multiple parties had Downing Street While the rest of the United Kingdom was living under strict COVID lockdown rules.
Sunak, who lives next to the prime minister in Downing Street, is also reported to have attended a surprise birthday party for Johnson in the No 10 cabinet room in June 2020.
He acknowledged that the scandal surrounding parties in Downing Street during the lockdown has damaged public confidence in the government, reports the Mirror.
But, the Indian-origin chancellor said, he believes his plan to tackle the cost of living crisis will help restore it.
Weather Police officers are investigating a total of 12 Downing Street parties.
It is believed that at least six of them could have included the prime minister.
