CHANDIGARH: Teachers protest against deducting salary from UGC. News – Times of India Videos

December 15, 2021, 10:47 AM ISTSource:

The agitation among teachers’ unions has intensified after the Punjab government’s decision to de-link the pay scales of college and university teachers from the UGC. A big rally of teachers from across the state was organized in Chandigarh on 14th December in protest against this decision. The protesting teachers started gathering from 9.30 am and erected themselves around the square, popularly known as Matka Chowk. Taking advantage of the busy office hours and the huge rush of office goers, the protesting teachers, who were holding placards with slogans in their hands, expressed their anguish towards the Punjab government, especially the Chief Minister, the Finance Minister and the High Minister. and expressed hatred. Education.
