Charles Darwin’s death anniversary: ​​Lesser known facts about the ‘Father of Evolution’

One of the most influential figures, Charles Darwin is known for his remarkable contributions to science and development. His revolutionary theory of development, published in the 1859 book on the origin of Species and other important studies shaped modern life science. On his death anniversary, here are some lesser known facts about the ‘Father of Development’:

1. Darwin’s date of birth is the same as that of the 16th President of America, Abraham Lincoln. Actually, both were born on the same day i.e. 12 February 1809.

2. Born in Shrewsbury, England, Darwin was raised as a Christian. He enrolled at the University of Edinburgh to study medicine according to his father’s wish, but he soon realized that medicine was not for him.

3. He went to the University of Cambridge and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree.

4. He was an avid hiker and was fond of collecting beetles. His interest in the study of biodiversity arose out of this hobby.

5. Darwin traveled around the world for biology research on the recommendation of his teacher at Cambridge.

6. It was the same five-year expedition during which he started out as a naturalist and visited four continents between 1831 and 1836. He researched many fossils, plants and animals, which later contributed to his theory of evolution and natural selection. ,

7. Darwin married his first cousin Emma, ​​with whom he had ten children – three of his children died of disease, while the others had health problems.

8. Darwin learned the skill of preparing and preserving animal skin by stuffing, given to a life-form by a freed slave, John Edmonstone, in 40 sittings of hour-long sessions.

9. Darwin was hesitant to publish his work The Origin of Species, fearing the conscious implications of his study, which claimed that the human race is a descendant of the apes. It took him 20 years to publish it.

10. Darwin died on April 19, 1882, and was buried with Isaac Newton in Westminster Abbey, London.

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