ChatGPT’s meteoric rise: 100 million users in two months

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. AI-powered chatbots are being touted as the next big technological revolution after the World Wide Web (Internet). The popularity of ChatGPT among all age groups has made chatbots the most downloaded technology. According to statistics from the world of statistics, ChatGPT took only two months to reach 100 million users worldwide. This has made ChatGPT the world’s fastest growing consumer application in history.

Statistics World compared the development of ChatGPT with other technological inventions such as WhatsApp, mobile phones, internet etc.

This showed that it took 16 years for mobile phones to reach 100 million users worldwide. At the same time, in 75 years there were 100 million users of the phone. WhatsApp attained 100 million users in 3.5 years, Facebook (4.5 years), Instagram (2.5 years), Twitter (5 years), the World Wide Web (seven years), the Apple App Store (2 years), and iTunes (6.5) year, respectively.

chinese video maker app TIC Toc It took about nine months to reach 100 million users after its global launch.

A recent UBS study also showed that an average of 13 million unique visitors per day used ChatGPT in January, more than double the number in December.

ChatGPT can generate articles, essays, jokes, and even poetry in response to prompts. OpenAI, a private company backed by Microsoft Corp, made it available to the public for free in late November.

Last month, OpenAI announced a $20 monthly subscription initially only for users in the United States.

The chatbot’s ability to tell everything from writing emails to exam answers that appear authentic has since propelled it into the limelight. While the AI ​​service sometimes confidently provides inaccurate information, some analysts and experts have suggested that its ability to summarize publicly available data makes it a reliable alternative to Google Search and the list of search-generated links. Can

What is ChatGPT?

San Francisco-based OpenAI has unveiled its latest creation, the chatgpt Chatbot in November 2022. A chatbot is a software application designed to mimic a human-like conversation based on user signals.

Who is the owner of OpenAI?

OpenAI, a research and development firm, was founded in 2015 as a non-profit by Silicon Valley investor and billionaire Sam Altman. Elon Musk and attracted funding from several others, including venture capitalist Peter Thiel. In 2019, the group formed a related for-profit entity to seek outside investment.

Musk, who is embroiled in his overhaul of social networking firm Twitter, left OpenAI’s board in 2018, but called it “scary good” with his take on the viral phenomenon.

Musk later tweeted that he was blocking OpenAI’s access to Twitter’s database.

How does OpenEye work

OpenAI says that their ChatGPT model, trained using a machine learning technique called Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), can simulate dialogue, answer follow-up questions, admit mistakes and may reject unreasonable requests.

Is it problematic?

Like many AI-powered innovations, ChatGPT doesn’t come without a hitch. OpenAI has acknowledged the tool’s tendency to respond with “plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers”, an issue it finds challenging to fix.

AI technology can also perpetuate societal biases such as race, gender, and culture. Despite these concerns, AI research remains attractive. venture capital Investment AI development and operations companies to grow by around $13 billion in 2021.

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