Chennai Boy solves Rubik’s cube in 14.32 seconds on cycle, sets Guinness World Record

Are you fond of solving Rubik’s cube? A boy from Tamil Nadu has earned the title of being the fastest person to solve a puzzle cube while moving around on a bicycle, displaying perseverance and patience. The boy’s video has been shared with the official Instagram handle of Guinness World Records. It has been viewed over 66,000 times. The boy named Jayadarshan Venkatesan from Tamil Nadu has achieved the fastest time of 14.32 seconds to solve the cube. The video shows him riding a Hercules cycle while he solves a Rubik’s cube in a record time.

Here is the video:

Jaydarshan has been working on polishing his speed solving skills for two years now.

In another case, a US teenager has broken his own old record of solving the Rubik’s cube in just 14.67 seconds by blindfolding. After achieving the feat, a teenager named Tommy Cherry retains his title of being the fastest person to solve the puzzles blindfolded. According to Guinness World Records, Tommy has been practicing cubing for the past six and a half years and also holds the world record for the fastest average time to solve a cube blindfolded, which he achieved in 15.24 seconds.

In a video shared on the GWR YouTube channel, Tommy can be seen achieving the feat in seconds at the World Cubbing Association (WCA) Florida Fall Competition in December last year. The video shows Tommy sitting at a table and taking only a few seconds to study the unsolved Rubik’s Cube given to him. Then he blindfolds himself and dives into solving the cube with astonishing speed. To make sure Tommy’s vision is blocked, a volunteer also places a white sheet between his eyes and the cube so that Tommy hardly gets into trouble as he continues to solve the puzzle with ease. Tommy can be seen jumping with joy once he realizes he has made it.

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