Chennai discovers benefits of running with more marathons, clubs and tracks

It’s 4.30am on Napier Bridge and at least 3,000 people are waiting behind the start line for the Decathlon 10k run on 7 May. The adrenaline filled chatter beats the drums. Under a moonlit sky, I stand behind the fast bowlers with a 70-minute flag and pray that my feet don’t hurt. The least I want to do is start the race without injury.

The race was flagged off at 5.06 am. An hour and 16 minutes later, I’ve finished my second time running. Three hundred meters later, I cross the finish line and reach the Olcott School in Besant Nagar. “The medals are out. Come next week. Take a 360-degree selfie video though,” I’m told.

The video line stretches for at least 400 meters and there are more people than I’ve ever seen at the start line. Photo booths with the tag ‘finisher’ also have long queues. The Internet community firmly believes in the axiom “pics or it didn’t happen,” so when I finally get mine, I post “10K done” online.

Training at Besant Nagar Beach, Chennai. , Photo Credit: Akhila Easwaran

Vijayalakshmi Swaminathan, founder of the Chennai-based running group UNIS, says this need to post on social media has been a key reason for the rise of the city’s running community. “People want to talk about the fact that they are running now. Many organizations are putting on shorter races – usually between three and 10 kilometers – and awarding medals and gifts. I am also attracted to ..,” says Viji, as she is known in the circle.

A brisk drive down any main city road before 6am will see you many runners decked out in fancy sports watches, shoes and headphones, while passing by quiet walkers before the scorching heat of Chennai begins. Experienced runners are convinced that the number is only bound to increase.

look | Tips to Start Running

halfway there

“About 15 years ago, the five of us started running on the streets because we were tired of the treadmill at our gym. At that time, our route was limited as we ran from one lamppost to another on the Besant Nagar beach,” says Rekha Sudarshan, founder-member of Dream Runners.

When neighbors and friends heard about the group, they too joined. “That’s how Dream Runners started. We now have 12 chapters with a total of 600 members in areas including Anna Nagar, OMR, Velachery, Medavakkam and T Nagar.

Rekha believes that many people have taken up running now as there is a lot of literature available about the sport. “People understand how to supplement activity with weight training, hydrate adequately and be consistent,” she says. She says the Chennai Corporation has made many roads car-free till 6am, to encourage more people to walk or run outside in the morning.

Naga Sainathan, who runs with Pettai Rappers, one of the 18 chapters of Chennai Runners, attributes the growth of running to the proliferation of running communities that help people achieve basic stability. Each chapter of these communities is divided region-wise.

The Alwarpet chapter, of which Naga is a part, is the oldest and has around 119 runners who head out four days a week. He says the increase in the number of marathons and races being held regularly in the city has also helped generate interest in the sport.

Running from sunset in Chennai.

Running from sunset in Chennai. , Photo Credit: Akhila Easwaran

The two major marathons in the city – the Chennai Marathon organized by Chennai Runners and the Dream Runners Half Marathon – have each seen revolutionary growth since inception.

Dr. Lakshmi Sundar, president of Chennai Runners, says that her organization has so far conducted 11 editions of the marathon. “Around 6,000 participants took part in the first edition held in 2012; the fifth had about 12,000. Our most recent one in 2023 saw 25,000 people. The latest edition saw a sharp increase in the number of registrations for the Half and Full Marathon. This was also the year we saw the largest contingent of female participants in the full marathon category,” she says.

Rekha of Dream Runners says that beginners who want to run may find the sport difficult. However, many communities are welcoming to newcomers and have extensive mentorship programs for novice runners to build consistency, endurance, and speed. These sessions usually last for about an hour and a half.

Deepak A Chari (58), practicing to run his first five-kilometre run in 40 years, he says. “The Couch to 5K program by Chennai Runners lets us walk, run and jog at our own pace. Senior runners mentor us through the process,” he says. Attention is paid to diet – balanced meals with protein, fiber and a portion of carbohydrates. They also ensure that as part of their training Build muscles for overall fitness with the inclusion of yoga.

As part of the Chennai Runners Couch to 5K programme, aspiring runners are mentored by seniors.

As part of the Chennai Runners Couch to 5K programme, aspiring runners are mentored by seniors. , Photo Credit: Akhila Easwaran

“Losing the weight is now only part of the process,” says Lakshmi. She says many first-timers ask if being overweight is a hindrance to running.

“It’s not. I had body image problems when I started. That changed when I started running but most importantly, I discovered I could breathe better. Running Improves Heart Health and helps release endorphins, which fill the mind with happy chemicals.

She says that once people join a running group, they become part of a larger community. “Our members work together voluntarily. Nearly 300 runners on our team are certified in providing first aid, which is helpful during accidents. The community also becomes a place where people find friends.”

Running is not just exercise. It is also about conversation and enjoying the morning sun or the cool evening breeze, says Rekha. She says that it also becomes addictive. “People want to set new benchmarks for themselves and cross new distances.”

For those looking to get started, he has only one piece of advice – “Trust the process because anyone can run.”

hit the road
Running groups from Chennai have chapters in different parts of the city. To get involved, write to or contact the chapter heads at:, and

Marina Beach, Besant Nagar Beach, Anna Nagar Tower Park, YMCA, Nehru Stadium and Anna Salai are some of the places frequented by runners.

The next biggest running events in the city include the Dream Runners Half Marathon on 16 July and the Kalaignar Memorial International Marathon on 6 August.