Chennai Institute of Mathematical Sciences 60. happened to

The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai came into its 60th year of existence on 3rd January this year. Speaking at the festive, part-online program organized by the faculty, IMSC Director V. Raveendran said that since its inception, 295 Ph.Ds have been awarded to the students. From its beginnings as a small institution of about a dozen faculty, it has grown to 52 faculty members, 125 PhD students and 35 post-doctoral fellows.

Matscience was founded by Alladi Ramakrishnan in Chennai on January 3, 1962. Nobel laureate Subrahmanyam Chandrasekhar delivered the inaugural lecture which set in motion its journey. The early years saw visits by many stellar personalities such as the physicists Hans Bethe and Murray Gelman, however, the number of faculty remained small. Former Joint Director of the Institute, G. In the words of Rajasekaran, the institute was reborn in 1984, when the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) took over and grew rapidly in the years 1984–1988 when the number of faculty doubled and increased. The number of students increased rapidly. In 1986, computer scientist PS Thiagarajan and several other computer scientists joined to start the theoretical computer science department of the institute.

turmoil in 1989

There was a short period of turmoil in 1989, during which CS Seshadri, along with a group of mathematicians and computer scientists, left the institute, which has now become the Chennai Mathematical Institute; Physicists Saurabh Rindani and Anjan Joshipura also left to establish the High Energy Physics Division at the Physical Research Laboratory.

The initial hiccups did not last long and in the year 1990, R. With the appointment of Ramachandran as the Director, the Institute was strengthened again with the induction of new students and faculty. Since then, there have been three directors – mathematician R. Balasubramaniam, computer scientist V. Aravind and now, physicist, Prof. Ravindran.

two plans

Speaking at the event, through an online link, Prof. Raveendran announced two plans for public outreach this year: one, setting up a center for science communication and mathematics education, for which the DAE has supported for three years. and who is to be permanently located in IMSC; Second, a series of legacy talks – by eminent scientists – will focus on the legacy of science in modern India, with a particularly peek at Tamil Nadu and Chennai.

During its formative and growth years, IMSc has had a strong tradition of outreach. Science in Vigyan Sabha and National Science Day celebrations go along with science activities. All of its directors have also consistently encouraged the grooming and mentorship of college teachers, and school and college students on its campus.

R Ramanujam, who was with the Theoretical Computer Science group, said, “At IMSC, we have organized workshops for high school, higher secondary students and undergraduate, postgraduate and polytechnic teachers. Dedicated centers like Center for Science Communication and Math Education You need a plan and a platform to communicate, he added “It also violates the fragmented approach of our education system. It is very inspiring for the teachers to interact with the scientists at IMSC,” he said.

science articles

Scientists at the institute have been involved in writing and publishing popular science articles for children Jantar Mantar (English) and thuliro (Tamil) for more than 30 years. Two special editions containing selected articles were released during the ceremony. The Institute plans a number of activities during the year to commemorate its 60th year.
