Chicken Burnt Garlic Fried Rice: Prepare this quick and easy fried rice recipe in just 15 minutes

There is something so comforting and soothing about a bowl of rice. Pair it with any curry, salad, chutney or vegetable, this simple ingredient brings out the best of any dish. Is not it? This is the reason why almost every kind of dish is incomplete without a serving of a bowl of rice. However, no matter how hard we try, there is still some potential for leftover rice and now we all know how to use it in other dishes. From classic fried rice and rice idli to rice cutlets and much more, there are many recipes that we can make with leftover rice. All these dishes are not only delicious but also save a lot of time and effort. So, we have recently come up with another delicious fried rice recipe and that is Chicken Burnt Garlic Fried Rice.

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Quick, easy and simple, this Indo-Chinese stir-fried recipe involves leftover rice tossed with chicken chunks, some vegetables, and Asian sauces and seasonings, followed by a fiery flavor of burnt garlic. so what are you waiting for? Grab all the ingredients you need and whip up the dish today. Read on to know the recipe.

How to make Chicken Burnt Garlic Fried Rice | Chicken Burnt Garlic Fried Rice Recipe:

For this recipe we need boiled rice, some vegetables, boneless chicken chunks, salt, pepper, garlic cloves and sauce. You can either prepare it with freshly prepared rice or use leftover rice from the last meal.

Now, all you have to do is heat oil in a pan, add chopped garlic and fry for a minute. Once done, add onion and fry till transparent. After that add the chopped chicken pieces and let them cook for 3-4 minutes.

After the chicken is cooked, add salt, green chili, black pepper, soy sauce and vinegar to it. Mix everything well and keep stirring for a minute. Now add rice to it and mix everything well again.

The final step is to pour the burnt garlic tempering over the rice. For this, heat olive oil in a pan and add chopped garlic (10-11 cloves) and fry till golden. Then, pour it over the rice and your dish is ready to eat.

click here For the full recipe for Chicken Burnt Garlic Fried Rice

Try this recipe at home and let us know how it was made.


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