Chicken Masala Fry Recipe: Make this lip-smacking chicken meal for mid-week bliss

When it comes to making delicious food at home, we often think that we will need different ingredients and a lot of time to cook it. But it is not necessarily always the case. Indian cuisine is full of endless recipes that you can make in minutes. And the best part is that all the dishes bring something new to the table with different tastes. So, whether it is a spicy flavored kofta curry, a nawabi paneer recipe or even a tangy mix of vegetables- there are many things that we can never get enough of. However, if you are looking for something meaty and indulgent, we also have recipes that you can make. Here we bring you a delicious recipe of Chicken Masala Fry that you must try!

(Also read: Love Butter Chicken? Start Your Day With Creamy Butter Chicken Sandwich Spread (Recipe Inside)

Chicken Masala Fry is an extremely popular dish, and you can easily find it in the menus of restaurants and dhabas. This is one of those dishes where you can cook gravy and chicken together. You can also add a lot of butter to give it a velvety texture. Once you have made it, pair it with roti/naan, chutney and onion rings for maximum enjoyment! This simple recipe requires only essential kitchen ingredients and will be ready in no time. Find the recipe below:

Chicken Masala Fry Recipe: Know here how to make Chicken Masala Fry

First, heat some oil and add cumin seeds to it. When they crackle, add the onion mixture and fry on high heat till it turns light brown. Add tomatoes, and fry till the fat separates. Next, add garam masala, salt, turmeric, coriander powder and red chili and mix well. Keeping the heat high, add the chicken pieces and turn until completely coated with the mixture. Add 1/2 cup water and let it come to a boil. Reduce the heat and cook covered, until the chicken is cooked through and tender and tender. Serve hot garnished with cream and coriander leaves!

(Also read: Chicken Nuggets, Chicken Wings and More: 5 Crispy Chicken Recipes You Must Try,

Click here for the full recipe for Chicken Masala Fry.

Make this delicious chicken recipe and let us know how you liked it!
