Childhood friends and actors join hands for a show

Artist Amrish Malvankar, architect Shailesh Parvatkar and visual artist Jude Gabriel join hands for a group show: Elements, which will run till May 15 at the Karnataka Painting Council. Amrish, a Bangalore-based artist, has put together a collection that “opens a new beginning for all”, where he “ties the elements together and weaves a story for humanity to read”. He also says that he “takes inspiration from everything around me, from sunrise to sunset. The three of us are childhood friends, and we decided to come together for a show because we felt like a terrace. It’s a good idea to showcase your work underneath,” says Amrish.

Judd says they are “also looking at interpretations of our work from the audience”. As a visual artist, he works with “mixed media and photography” and believes that the group shows “the three of us looking at different things in relation to our personalities.”

Shailesh says that his works are “a combination of elements of nature and how I express my feelings through it, with an emphasis on aqua.” His work is called Pixelating Aqua.

Amrish has been exhibiting his work in India and abroad, including at the Miami Art Show and the Art Box Project in Basel, Switzerland and Miami.

There will be a display of elements in the painting council from 11 am to 6 pm till May 15.