Children’s Day 2022: 5 Interesting Gift Ideas For Your Little Ones

Children’s Day 2022: As Children’s Day is around the corner, it is best to start thinking of gifts for your kids to make them feel special. Kids love gifts, and they don’t necessarily have to be big or big. Even a gift like baked cookies or a toy will bring a magical smile to their face. Remember, this day is dedicated to children and it is our responsibility as parents or teachers to make them feel special and important on this day.

However, choosing the right option for your child depends on a number of factors. You should always buy something that they want and that they don’t already have. It should be thoughtful and useful. This Children’s Day, you can explore various options, choose a unique gift for your child and make their day. Check out these gifting options that you can definitely consider.

  1. book
    It can be a sketchbook, comic book, storybook or whatever, but books are an excellent gift idea. You can go with a picture book with coloring pages and a simple story with characters. It will develop their reading habits and also teach them moral values. Also, you can have a good time reading bedtime stories with them.
  2. digital cartoon wrist watch
    Kids love digital wristwatches, and when they have their favorite cartoon character on it, they’ll absolutely enjoy showing it off. It will also help teach them how to read time and make them feel like young adults.
  3. remote control set
    Kids love to play with remote control gadgets. It will come as no surprise if they jump with excitement upon receiving the latest model of remote control car, truck or plane.
  4. drum with mic set
    If your child has a passion for songs and instruments, then gifting them a drum and mic set is great. This will encourage his singing skills and also fulfill his musical dreams.
  5. Board games
    Children above 10 or 12 years need to learn the core value of teamwork and peer group. And to teach them, board games are your best and most fun option. Games like Monopoly, Battleship Crossword, Risk board game, Chess, Ludo and others are great options for gifting your child. They can play with the whole family and learn the habit of playing under pressure.

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