China again increased military budget, its focus is ‘training and preparation for war’

Teathe annual linghui —Two sessions—Meeting begins in Beijing. China will increase the defense budget by 7.2 percent. China has set a five percent growth target for 2023. Rumors spread about a reorganization of police and security institutions from the State Council to a new Internal Affairs Commission under Xi’s control. Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang and Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar held bilateral meetings in New Delhi. chinscope dives into the news and chatter coming out of Beijing’s 14th National People’s Congress – plus more.

China in a week

Every year the month of March witnesses an increase in the pace of political activity in Beijing as a select group of delegates arrive in the city to participate in the annual ‘Two Sessions’ meeting.

meeting – or Lianghui- It is the annual gathering of China’s two major political bodies, the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). Of the two political bodies, the NPC is China’s state institution, a major indicator of budgetary matters and economic policies for the next five-year period.

The 14th NPC meeting will be held from March 5 to 12 with some major agenda items including a possible government reorganization.

The meeting has been popularly described as China’s rubber-stamp parliament. This year, nine items will be on the agenda. This will be closely watched as the appointments of leaders to key state institutions for the next five years are confirmed under the 20th Party Congress. These newly appointed leaders will form the core of the Chinese state’s governance – from security to economic policy.

In October last year, Xi regained the title of ‘General Secretary’ for the third time in a row, paving the way for his confirmation as ‘Chairman’ at the NPC meeting. Li Keqiang, the current premier, will step down and the role will be taken over by Li Qiang, Xi’s new second-in-command.

The outgoing premier gave a work report at the inaugural session of the 14th NPC.

In his work report, Li outlined China’s political and economic priorities over the next five years. One of the major items he announced was the budget target for 2023.

Beijing has set a target of five percent GDP growth for the coming fiscal year, lower than the 6 percent growth target some analysts have forecast.

The five percent target is relatively conservative as China projects three percent GDP growth in 2022, one of the country’s worst economic performances in decades due to the COVID pandemic.

Chinese state media has tried to justify the latest GDP growth target for 2023 and the disappointing growth achieved in 2022.

“The growth rate of 3 per cent is faster than the economic growth rates of major economies such as the United States of America at 2.1 per cent, Germany at 1.9 per cent and France at 2.6 per cent. It can be said that in the past one year, under extremely difficult circumstances, we have achieved the goals of containing the epidemic, stabilizing the economy and ensuring safe development. Said An article by a state-owned media outlet paper,

In addition to the growth target, Li announced that China’s defense budget would increase by 7.2 percent to 1.554 trillion yuan ($225 billion). The latest increase in the defense budget may not be much compared to recent years, but total defense spending is set to increase from 1.190 trillion yuan in 2019 to 1.554 trillion yuan in 2023.

“We should comprehensively strengthen military training and combat preparation, innovate military strategic guidance, focus on actual combat military training, and coordinate military conflicts in all directions and regions. China should comprehensively strengthen, consolidate and expand the achievements of national defense and military reforms, strengthen the coordination of major missions and preparations, and accelerate the implementation of major national defense development projects. Said Li in his work report.

Despite rhetoric in the international media about an impending invasion of Taiwan, NPC work reports by Li have indicated increased economic and cultural exchanges with the region.

“We should promote economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation between the two sides of the straits, improve system and policy to improve the well-being of Taiwan compatriots,” Said Took.

China will increase its spending on public security by 6.4 percent in late 2022 as the focus shifts to internal security amid protests that have rocked Chinese cities.

While the two-session meeting is still underway, there has been some speculation about a possible overhaul of government departments related to security, finance, technology and culture. Rumors point to him being brought under the direct control of Xi.

just before linghui Convened, a draft plan to ‘reform’ state institutions was adopted at the second plenary meeting of the 20th Party Congress on 28 February. Format Some credence has been given to the rumours.

Mr Xi and senior Chinese officials this week agreed on a plan to give the party more direct command in key areas, including security, finance, technology and culture, further reducing the government’s role in policy making. familiar with the discussions informed of wall street journalChun Han Wong and Keith Zhai.

Those weren’t the only publications that hinted at major reshuffles.

“Reports from Hong Kong media outlets indicate that the plan includes transferring policing and security functions from the State Council – a government body equivalent to China’s cabinet – to a new Internal Affairs Commission directly controlled by the Communist Party,” informed of Nikkei Asian ReviewRemove the sukasa.

an item on the agenda List meeting, State Council Institutions Reform Plan, may also hint at this reorganization. It is to be discussed on March 9.

Read also: China’s position on Russia-Ukraine war could trigger US sanctions

China in world news

As the international summit season begins in New Delhi, foreign ministers of G20 countries arrive in the capital for ministerial meetings under the chairmanship of India.

China’s new Foreign Minister Qin Gang was also present. Qin’s first visit to New Delhi provided an opportunity to hold bilateral meetings with his Indian counterpart S Jaishankar.

“The border issue should be placed at an appropriate place in bilateral relations, and the border situation should be brought under control at the earliest. China is willing to work with India to accelerate the resumption of exchanges and cooperation in various fields, resume direct flights as soon as possible, and facilitate personnel exchanges. Reading Press release of the meeting from the Chinese government.

The presser underlined the discussion on the current border standoff by quoting Jaishankar – “the current situation on the border between the two countries is gradually stabilising”.

But Jaishankar said Speciality In the meeting, the current state of relations between the two countries was described as ‘abnormal’.

There were other India-China developments last week.

A delegation The Ministry of National Defense of China participated in the International Military Cooperation meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization at the invitation of the Ministry of Defense of India.

must read this week

NPC 2023: How China chooses its state leaders for the next five years zwei liao

Xi’s law and order strategy Taisu Zhang

How American journalists viewed China’s COVID-19 crisis Mike Chinoy

The writer is a columnist and freelance journalist. He was previously China media correspondent with the BBC World Service. He is currently a MOFA Taiwan Fellow based in Taipei and tweets @aadilbrar. Thoughts are personal.

(Editing by Therese Sudip)